CCP 1. Percentage of pigs with correct electrode placement. The current must pass through the brain. Must be 99% or better. Omit CCP#1 if CO2 is used.
X = electrode placed correctly | |
W = wrong placement | ________ Percent correct placement |
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 2. Percentage of pigs that are "hot wanded." Hot wanding occurs when the pig squeals when the wand is applied. This is caused by energizing the wand before it is in firm contact with the pig. This is a welfare concern because the pig will feel the shock. Omit CCP #2 if CO2 is used. 0% excellent, 1% minimum acceptable score.
________ Percent "hot wanded" |
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 3. Percentage of pigs that are insensible on the bleed rail. Must be 999/1000 or better. The limbs may kick but the head must be limp and floppy. CO2 stunned pigs should be completely limp with no kicking. There is a zero tolerance for starting any slaughter procedure on an animal showing any sign of sensibility. On a 50 to 100 pig audit, must have 100% insensibility to pass audit.
X = completely insensible correct | ________ Percent insensible |
E = eye moves when touched | |
BL = blinking - do not count a vibrating eye as a blink. Count a blink if the pig blinks naturally like a live pig in the yards. |
RB = rhythmic breathing | |
VO = vocalization no matter how small (squeal) | |
RR = righting reflex-attempts to lift head while hanging on the rail |
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 4. Percentage of pigs prodded with an electric prod. In some plants, depending on the layout, three CCPs can be observed simultaneously in the stunning chute area. Must be 25% or less for a minimum passing score. 5% or less is excellent.
X = moved quietly without an electric prod | ________ Percent electric prodding | |
P = electric prod | ________ Percent balking | |
A = used an abusive method such as hitting hard with a stick | ||
B = electric prodded because the animal backed up and balked. This indicates a facility problem. |
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 5. Percentage of pigs that slip and fall during handling in the crowd pen, single file chute, or stunning box. A fall is recorded if the body touches the floor. This CCP should also be recorded in the truck unloading ramp. Must be 99% or better no falls and 97% or better no slipping. Score a fall if any part of the body touches the floor.
X = no slipping or falling | ________ Percent falling | |
F = fell | ________ Percent slipping | |
S = slip | ||
Where did slipping and falling occur? _________________________________ |
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 6. Entire Handling Area Vocalization - percentage of pigs that vocalize during handling and driving in the crowd pen, single file chute, stunning pen, or restrainer. Score in these areas only. Score an animal as a vocalizer if it makes any audible vocalization. In large plants where counting individual pig squeals is impossible a sound meter can be used. Less squealing means less stress and better pork quality. Another way to score squealing is the percentage of time that pigs are squealing. As each pig is stunned check yes/no for heard a squeal or quiet. The entire stunning area is scored. Stand near the stunner entrance when doing this score. Excellent 50% time quite. Minimum acceptance score 25% time quiet.
Reasons for squealing | ||
X = non-vocalizer research for squealing | ________ Percent of animals squealing | |
P = prod | OR | |
S = stun | ________ Percent in large plants; percentage of time quiet occurs in the entire stunning area |
F = fall or slipping | ||
R = excessive pressure from restraint |
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 7. Restrainer, CO2 Gondolas or stun per vocalization. Percentage of individual pigs that squeal in the restrainer or as they enter a CO2 Gondola. Count as in the restrainer or gondola if the squeal occurs when the pig's rear is past the entrance. Do NOT count "hot wands" for this score. This score is designed to detect handling problems. Excellent 0% squealing. Minimum acceptance score 2% squealing.
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
CCP 8. In plants with CO2 stunning, score the percentage of gondolas that are overloaded. Pigs must have sufficient room to stand or lie down without being on top of each other. Score 50 gondolas in large plants. The plant fails if the handler forces more than one pig to jump on top of the other pigs with either an electric prod or manual force.
Animal # 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10__11__12__13__14__15__ 16__17__18__19__20__21__22__23__24__25__26__27__28__29__30__ 31__32__33__34__35__36__37__38__39__40__41__42__43__44__45__ 46__47__48__49__50__51__52__53__54__55__56__57__58__59__60__ 61__62__63__64__65__66__67__68__69__70__71__72__73__74__75__ 76__77__78__79__80__81__82__83__84__85__86__87__88__89__90__ 91__92__93__94__95__96__97__98__99__100__
Actual % | Min. Passing Score | Excellent | Final Score / Excellent / Pass/Fail | |
1. Percentage of pigs with correct electrode placement | 99% | 100% | ||
2. Percentage of pigs "hot wanded" | 1% | 0% | ||
3. Percentage of pigs rendered completely insensible | 100% | 100% | ||
4. Percentage of pigs prodded with an electric prod | 25% | 10% | ||
5a. Percentage of pigs slipping | 3% | 0% | ||
5b. Percentage of pigs falling | 1% | 0% | ||
6. Entire stunning area vocalization in large plants. Percentage of pigs vocalizing in smaller plants. (Time Quiet) | 25% | 50% | ||
7. Squealing in restrainer or gondola (not "hot wanded") | 2% | 0% | ||
8. Percentage overloaded gondolas | 4% | 0% | ||
Reasons for scores that are not acceptable minimum passing score: | ||||
Pass/Fail | ||
1. Non-ambulatory stressor pigs - There is a zero tolerance for dragging sensible animals. Pigs that are stunned with a captive bolt can be dragged. Sensible non-ambulatory pigs must be moved on a cart or other conveyance. | ||
2. Drinking water - Is clean drinking water available in holding pens. Required by Human Slaughter Act Regulations. | ||
3. Non-slip flooring is required on unloading ramps, pens, alleys, chutes, and stunning areas. | ||
A. Stun Area ___________________________________ | ||
B. Crowd Pen __________________________________ | ||
C. Holding Pen _________________________________ | ||
D. Unloading Ramp ______________________________ | ||
4. Pen condition - Fencing must be in good repair and free of sharp edgest that could cause bruises or injuries. Floors must drain and be free of large puddles. Describe: | ||
5. Pen stocking - Enough space must be provided in the holding pens so that all the pigs can lie down at the same time. | ||
6. Truck unloading - If possible, observe truck unloading. To pass, most animals should move at a walk or a trot and none fall down. | ||
7. Hanlding - Pigs in the yards are moved at a walk or trot and none fall down. | ||
8. Pig condition - Note any animals that are in poor body condition or have signs of tail biting or ear biting. Estimate percentage of animals with problems. Also estimate the percentage of non-ambulatory stressor pigs. | ||
A. Tail Bites ______________________________________ | ||
B. Emmaciated ____________________________________ | ||
C. Shoulder Lesions ________________________________ | ||
D. Stressor _______________________________________ | ||
E. Ear Bites ______________________________________ | ||
9. Acts of abuse - Was an obvious act of animal abuse observed such as poking an object into sensitive parts of the animal such as the eyes or anus? If yes, the plant fails the audit. Paralyzing conscious pigs with electricity is an automatic failure. Describe observations: | ||
10. Stunner maintenance - Stunner maintenance program. Describe the program: | ||
Is the stunner set at 1.25 amps minimum? (Yes/No) | ||
11. Employee training - Does the plant have an employee training program for animal handling and stunning? Describe: | ||
Pass or Fail | |
Numerically scored items | _______________ |
Handling of non ambulatory pigs | _______________ |
No acts of obvious abuse | _______________ |
Stunner is set at the minimum required amperage of 1.25 amps for market weight pigs and 2 amps for sows |
_______________ |
The above 4 items must receive a passing score to pass the audit at the minimum acceptable level. To receive an excellent rating, the numerically scored items must be at the excellent level and all walk through items must receive a passing score.
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